Pinckney Community Schools District Administration

Superintendent - Rick Todd
2130 E. M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.3900
Superintendent's Message:
I would like to personally welcome each and every one of you to our Pirate Family as our district truly embodies the spirit of our community in which we here in Pinckney Community Schools not only look to create a learning environment where both our students and staff can thrive but equally important, we are committed to serving one another as our strength and resolve lie in the ideals of being a united family and community of Pirates.
As the very proud superintendent of Pinckney Community Schools for the past 11 years (with 26 total in PCS), I am deeply honored and humbled to lead and serve our students, staff and community as we are committed to being the greatest resource for not only our students and families, but for all of our valued community members, from our most treasured senior citizens to our youngest of Pirates. I am also extremely proud to be part of a learning community that has a sincere heart to serve those in need by offering both weekly and monthly opportunities to receive food through programs such as our Farley Hill Food and Mobile Food Pantry.
Here at Pinckney Schools, we pride ourselves on building a learning community that focuses on Education, Innovation and Possibilities including building a strong foundation in literacy and math, starting as early as preschool, providing relevant 21st-century learning experiences with a strong commitment to technology and offering a wide multitude of learning opportunities that include AP/Honor courses, Dual Enrollment, Early College Programming, K-12 Computer Science Courses and our extensive Career Technical Education Programming.
At the same time, we understand and value the importance and impact of creating a safe, healthy and positive culture that embraces our relationships, diversity and community, which includes a conscious effort to nurture a district that makes mental health, social/emotional intelligence and wellness for all a priority. Make no mistake, developing a strong education foundation is important, but supporting our student's development in becoming respectful, trusting, resilient, compassionate and empathetic individuals is equally important, if not more so.
I want to personally thank each and every one of you for choosing to be part of our Pirate family as your involvement and support are so appreciated! If you are thinking about becoming part of our family of Pirates and want to learn more about our great district and community, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at (810) 225-3900 or by email at as I would love to spend some time with you. Thank you again and as always, GO PIRATES!!
Rick Todd
PCS, Superintendent

Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Assessment - Basia Kiehler
2130 E. M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.3902

Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations - Mike Engelter
2130 E. M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.3927

Director of Buildings and Grounds - Jim Hayden
2120 E. M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.3973

Director of Athletics - Matt Seidl
10255 Dexter-Pinckney Road
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.5521

Director of Special Education - Carie Cowger
2130 E. M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.3918

Director of Technology - Kevin Krill
2130 E. M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.3933

Director of Community Ed - Brian Wardlow
2130 E. M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.3952

Director of Transportation - Michael Breitenbecher
2120 E. M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.3964

Director of Food Service - Chris Haskins
10255 Dexter-Pinckney Road
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.
Pinckney Community Schools Building Administration:

Country Elementary
Principal - Kathleen Krill
2939 E. M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.6600
Building Website:

Farley Hill Elementary
Principal - Yvonne Taylor
8110 Farley Road
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.6400
Building Website:

Navigator Elementary
Principal - Ruth Badalucco
2150 E. M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.5300
Building Website:

Pathfinder School
Principal - Lori Sandula
2100 E M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.5200
Building Website:

Pathfinder School
Dean of Students - Lori Hallet
2100 E M-36
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.5200
Building Website:

Pinckney Community High School
Principal - Julia McBride
10255 Dexter-Pinckney Road
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.5500
Building Website:

Pinckney Community High School
Assistant High School Principal & Director of The Link Alternative High School - Frank McMurray
10255 Dexter-Pinckney Road
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.5500
Building Website:

Pinckney Community High School
Dean of Students - Sandy Buczek
10255 Dexter-Pinckney Road
Pinckney, MI 48169
Phone: 810.225.5500
Building Website: