PCS Brand
The Pinckney Community Schools brand is built upon our dedication to providing all students with a quality education. The innovative educational opportunities available at PCS provide many paths for students to achieve success. Our brand reflects this in the logo and slogan.
PCS Slogan
Education. Innovation. Possibilities.
This slogan simply states three things that we do well here at Pinckney Community Schools: provide a quality education; offer innovative programs and ways to learn; which leads to many possibilities for students.
PCS Logo & Pirate Image Colors
Skin Tone C=0 M=20 Y=50 K=0
Black 100% Black
White 100% White
Red C=0 M=100 Y=100 K=0
Yellow C=0 M=10 Y=100 K=0
Pinckney Community Schools = Font – Lato Bold
Education. Innovation. Possibilities. = Font – Corbel Bold/Italic
Fonts are not to be changed.
Words and punctuation are not to be changed.
PCS Logos
Pinckney Community School’s logos and Pirate images are available for download in a Google Drive folder. Please contact Kevin Krill at kekrill@pinckneypirates.org to gain access to the folder.
All logos and Pirate images shown below are the property of Pinckney Community Schools and may not be used by any organization or group not affiliated with Pinckney Community Schools unless written permission has been granted.
PCS Logo – Circle

Text that appears to the right of the PCS Logo-Circle needs to be at least .20 inches from the period after the word “Possibilities.” At the bottom of the logo.
The blue arrow in this example marks the distance. The blue arrow is not a part of the logo and should never appear when using the logo.
Logo can be reduced to 2.04 inches wide and 2.0 inches high as shown above. Do not reduce more.
Do not alter logo except to reduce or enlarge proportionally.
Do not recreate the logo.
Logo can be printed in grayscale.
The logo may be used on any communication from PCS.
The logo can be used on school-related merchandise such as T-shirts, mugs, decals, etc.
PCS Logo – Pirate-Text

Text that appears to the right of the PCS Logo-Pirate-Text needs to be at least .20 inches from the last “S” in word “Schools” in the center of the logo.
The blue arrow in this example marks the distance. The blue arrow is not a part of the logo and should never appear when using the logo.
Logo can be reduced to 3.06 inches wide and 1.37 inches high as shown above. Do not reduce more.
Do not alter logo except to reduce or enlarge proportionally.
Do not recreate the logo.
Logo can be printed in grayscale.
The logo may be used on any communication from PCS.
The logo can be used on school-related merchandise such as T-shirts, mugs, decals, etc.
PCS Logo - Text

Logo can be reduced to 2.5 inches wide and 1.32 inches high as shown above. Do not reduce more.
Do not alter logo except to reduce or enlarge proportionally.
Do not recreate the logo.
Logo can be printed in grayscale.
The logo may be used on any communication from PCS.
The logo can be used on school-related merchandise such as T-shirts, mugs, decals, etc.
Pirate Images
Pirate images are available in the same Google Drive as the logos. They appear both in color and black and white. The colors for use are listed at the beginning of this document. The following Pirates are the only Pirate images available for use on PCS communications, merchandise, displays, graphics, etc.

Do not alter Pirate images except to reduce or enlarge proportionally.
Do not recreate Pirate images.
Pirate images can be printed in grayscale.
Pirate images may be used on any communication from PCS.
The Pirate images can be used on school-related merchandise such as T-shirts, mugs, decals, etc.