Field day ended with a spray from a fire truck. Thank you Hamburg Township Fire Department-the kids had a great time!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
fire truck spray
fire truck spray
fire truck spray
Field Day at Country Elementary!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
field events
tug a war
Today was our Kids Read Now (KRN) Summer Reading Program Assembly. We had a local guest author, Emily Rickert read her book, Magic Tree to the students. Students took home their first book for KRN. Throughout the summer, students will receive KRN books in the mail. Over the summer, kids can join in our pop-up reading events across the community to hear guest readers and read their favorite book with a friend. It is going to be a fun summer of reading!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
Author visitor
author visitor
Mrs. Null's class took the learning outside for Outdoor Classroom Day.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
spelling practice
partner reading
math lesson
Hamburg Fire Department presented Safe at Home using the smoke house trailer with our students (Grades 1-3) today. The kids had a great time learning about fire safety.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
fire truck
bounce house
smoke house trailer
smokehouse trailer
Enjoying some outside time on a beautiful Monday!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
picking flowers
Teacher Appreciation Week! Our wonderful PTO is hosting a fun raffle each day to show their appreciation for our wonderful teachers. Congratulation to our Monday winners!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
Teacher appreciation Raffle Winner
Teacher appreciation Raffle Winner
Teacher appreciation Raffle Winner
Teacher appreciation Raffle Winner
Our first grade went on a science field trip to MSU’s garden and butterfly house.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
Last Friday night was our Talent Show. A special thanks to Gayle Hurn for organizing this fun evening for our students and their families.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
Talent show performers
Our 2nd grade students are enjoying specials (art, music & PE) this Monday morning.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
composing music
We are enjoying the warm, sunny day
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
1st grade recess fun
1st grade recess
1st grade recess fun
Monday morning warm-up to get ready for some incredible learning this week.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
1st grade Mrs Kijewski class
kindergarten- Mrs. Monaster class
KinderReady- Mrs. Parsons class
3rd grade Mr. Cogswell
We are back after spring break. The kids are excited to see their friends and learn together.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
working on literacy choice boards
learning a new letter in kindergarten
reading together
t-ball in PE
Plant a Pinwheel for Prevention April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
The Hamburg Fire Department is back today to present to our 2nd and 3rd grade classes on safety.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
Two of our students had a special ride to school this morning. This was one of the incredible raffle prizes won at our Family Prom last Friday night. Their classrooms were able to join in the fun too. Thank you Putnam Fire Department!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
Fire truck
students getting a ride to school
Thank you Delta Kappa Gamma for donating a basket of books to Country Elementary teachers!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
Book basket
Shopping the book fair
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
book fair
book fair
book fair
book fair
Our book fair is set up and ready for shopping.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
book fair
book fair
Mrs. Rau’s first grade class are learning and practicing letters and sounds using sand. It is the textile practice of the 3 part drill within their literacy lesson
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Badalucco
sand tray
sand tray practice o
sand tray
sand tray