Please join us for Kindergarten Round Up.
25 days ago, Kathleen Krill
Kindergarten Round Up
Today, our students were treated to an incredible live performance by the Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra. They learned about the bassoon, clarinet, and oboe, and were captivated by a mix of classical music and a few Taylor Swift songs—to the delight of most of the audience.
25 days ago, Kathleen Krill
Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra
Thank you to all the families who attended our Holiday Concert last night. We wish you a Happy Holiday! Classes resume Monday, January 6, 2025
about 2 months ago, Kathleen Krill
Holiday Concert
Please join us for our Annual Holiday Concert at the Jane Tasch Theater. Students arrive at 6:15 PM for a 6:30 PM Concert.
about 2 months ago, Kathleen Krill
Holiday Concert
5 months ago, Kathleen Krill
Soggy Seaweed
We are looking forward to the start of the new school year. Classroom assignments with a letter from the teacher and an optional supply list will be emailed to all families on Friday, August 16th. We hope you enjoy the last few weeks of summer, and we look forward to seeing you and your child(ren) at our Open House on August 22nd from 5 to 6:30 PM.
6 months ago, Kathleen Krill
The 2024 Backpack for Kids distribution is this THURSDAY, AUGUST 8 FROM 4-6 PM. The event will be held at the back of Pathfinder School (by the tennis courts) and we are asking those planning on attending to please enter at the service drive off of M-36 (west side of Pathfinder). We are encouraging families to please bring their child(ren) to this event. Each child/student can pick out a backpack and if a parent does not have their child/student with them, the parent can pick out one (1) backpack per person in the vehicle.
6 months ago, Kathleen Krill
Backpacks for kids
Thank you to all the families and community members who attended our first annual Pirate Parley! It was a wonderful celebration of our students and their ships.
9 months ago, Kathleen Krill
Country Pirate Parley
Country Pirate Parley
Country Pirate Parley
Country Pirate Parley
Country Pirate Parley
Country Pirate Parley
Country Pirate Parley
We look forward to welcoming all incoming Kindergarten and KinderReady students to Country Elementary at our annual Kindergarten Meet & Greet. If you have any questions, please contact the Main Office: 810.225.6600.
9 months ago, Kathleen Krill
Kinder Meet & Greet 2024
Fall Book Bus Event October 29th at Schell Family Farm
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Krill
Fall Book Bus Event
Today we held our first Matey Meeting. Students gathered with their ships to learn about their new shipmates. Ask your child which get to know you question they answered today. We loved their responses and all learned something new about each other. A highlight of the Matey Meeting was watching our second graders show their kindness and dependability as they led our younger students back to class.
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Krill
Walking back to class after
Walking back to class after
Walking back to class after
Matey Meeting
Matey Meeting
Matey Meeting
Matey Meeting
Matey Meeting
Matey Meeting
It was sorting day at Country Elementary! 8 ships. 1 crew. Unsinkable Us!
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Krill
Country Ship Sorting Day
Country Ship Sorting Day
Country Ship Sorting Day
Country Ship Sorting Day
The Pinckney Pirate Football team is hosting their annual Elementary Night at Pirate Stadium on Friday night during their game vs. Chelsea.
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Krill
Elementary Night
Hi Incoming Kindergarten and KinderReady families! Tonight is our Kinder Meet and Greet from 6 to 7 PM. Please park in the east lot (if you are coming from the light at Pettysville and M-36, it will be the first entrance on the right with the Country Elementary sign) and join us on the walk near door #1. Students and parents will meet our Country staff, play on the playground, and walk the Lakeland Trail to Captain Frosty to share an ice cream. We hope to see you this evening.
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Krill
Hi Country Families! A quick reminder that we will have our final Pop Up Reading event tomorrow at Unity Park in downtown Pinckney from 3 to 4 PM. Listen to a story read by a Pinckney teacher and receive a free book to take home. We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Krill
Free books and reading fun this summer for Pinckney students. Please join us for our annual Pop Up Reading Events, and visit the Pinckney Book Bus stops. See attached flyers for locations and times.
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Krill
PCS Book Bus 2023
Pop Up Reading Events
Pinckney Cheer Art & Craft Show Saturday, June 24th 9AM to 1 PM
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Krill
Pinckney Cheer Art & Craft Show
Pinckney Cheer Art & Craft Show
Field Day fun at Country today! Thank you Ms. Stidham for planning a fun day for our students and thank you to the PTO, Hamburg Fire Department, Chamber of Commerce and all the teachers and parent volunteers who made today possible.
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Krill
field day fun
field day fun
field day fun
field day fun
field day fun
Hi Country Families! Due to the traffic on M-36 our busses left approximately 10 minutes late today. We ask that you arrive at your child's stop at the scheduled time but know the busses might be fifteen to twenty minutes late. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Krill
Welcoming all INCOMING KinderReady and kindergarten students to a Meet & Greet on Wednesday, May 24th from 6-7 PM at Country Elementary. Please join us for a story with the principal and activity centers with our kinder staff followed by ice cream treats.
over 1 year ago, Kathleen Krill
Welcoming all incoming KinderReady & Kindergarten students to a Meet & Greet Event.