7th graders (and their families): Check your school email for your orientation Zoom links and times!
over 4 years ago, Pathfinder School Principal
7th Grade Chromebook Distribution: Check your email for the Chromebook Tips & Care presentation to watch with your student. Distribution is this Thursday, August 6, from 3:00-5:30. See you there!
over 4 years ago, Pathfinder School Principal
Backpacks for Kids - What a great resource! Please spread the word.
over 4 years ago, Pathfinder School Principal
Celebrating this great group of humans! They have been working hard all summer cleaning and preparing new safety protocols, moving furniture and holding down the fort. Thank you to our custodians!
over 4 years ago, Pathfinder School Principal
7th Grade Invite to Participate in Orientation The WEB Leaders of Pathfinder School Invite the class of 2026 (thatā€™s you) To WEB 7th Grade Orientation AUGUST 12, 2021 We want you to join us! We need you to join us! It wonā€™t be the same without you! WEB is a program of 8th graders who will be there for you throughout the year. You will receive an email from your WEB Leader before our virtual orientation that will give you more details on how to log in and what you will need that day. PUT IT ON YOUR CALENDAR! You will need to be able to get online - so get that chromebook ready! We are excited that you are joining us at Pathfinder School! If you have any questions, you can email Mrs. Curvin at ccurvin@pinckneypirates.org
over 4 years ago, Pathfinder School Principal
Save the date for Pathfinder Orientation!
over 4 years ago, Lori Sandula
Edukit Last Chance: Use this link if you want to avoid the stores and order school supplies to be delivered directly to your house. https://www.edukitinc.com/schools/1775/Pathfinder%20School%20Pinckney,%20MI
over 4 years ago, Pathfinder School Principal
Each year Pathfinder staff votes on two students who exemplify our Pathfinder ideals: kindness, engaged learning and being their best selves. We are so proud to announce Mallory Dickey and Dylan Ray are the 2019-2020 Outstanding Students.
over 4 years ago, Lori Sandula
We finally got to connect teachers and students again! It felt so good! Thanks for all our Pathfinder staff who helped by running, waving, smiling and greeting the students we are going to be missing! Enjoy your summer Pathfinder students!
over 4 years ago, Lori Sandula
Deadline extended to June 4 to $75 off the trip cost and pay only a $49 deposit. Plus, youā€™ll have more time to spread out payments before your trip.
over 4 years ago, Pathfinder School Principal
Thatā€™s NACHO cheese!! Happy Cinco de Mayo! Our friends at Aramark are serving nachos and tacos to celebrate this holiday. Anyone who will benefit can come to the front of Pathfinder on Tuesday May 5 from 11 oā€™clock to 12 oā€™clock for breakfast and lunches.
almost 5 years ago, Lori Sandula
Come and get your breakfast and lunch. Drive up to Pathfinder on Tuesday, April 28, from 11 to 12. Breakfast and lunch kits available for any students! On the menu are chicken patties and chili with flatbread.
almost 5 years ago, Lori Sandula
Breakfast kit
Serving lunch and breakfast today, Thursday, until noon. Look at the delicious items you can get! Drive up to Pathfinder and we deliver to your car.
almost 5 years ago, Pathfinder School Principal
Last Call for Instruments!! Dear Music Families: Thank you to the many families we saw yesterday as we returned many many instruments. We still have 39 instruments and books that we would like to get back to the students this week. In order to make this happen, we will be available at Pathfinder on Thursday, April 23 from 10:00 am til 4:00 pm. If you still need to pick up your instrument, please plan on pulling up in front of Pathfinder. We will come and ask student name & instrument and then retrieve it for you. This is the last opportunity we will have for these items to be picked up. If you cannot make it during this time on Thursday please email your building principal in order to schedule a time to pick up the instrument. Music teachers are planning lessons with the expectation that each student has their instrument. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns - Janet McDole, Eric Ray and Lori Sandula
almost 5 years ago, Lori Sandula
We are here and ready for all of our band and orchestra students! Instrument pick up today from noon to two.
almost 5 years ago, Lori Sandula
Today is THE day! Distance Learning officially kicks off. Students: 1. Be sure to use your school provided email. 2. Use the code provided by your teacher to sign into their Google Classrooms. 3. Office Hours: Live sessions (2 per teacher) offered IF you need help or directions clarified. Log on's are provided in teacher Google Classroom. 4. Community Circle: Live session for seeing your classmates and talking to your teacher. Fun topics!! Email Ms. Sandula or Mr. Ray if you need help!!
almost 5 years ago, Lori Sandula
Greetings from Pathfinder Staff!
almost 5 years ago, Lori Sandula
Pinckney students bringing it in for the win on a Saturday! Pathfinder Orchestra celebrate Division 1 rating at Band & Orchestra Festival.
almost 5 years ago, Pathfinder School Principal
Orchestra kids
Final quiz bowl party! Parents and teachers versus kidsā€¦ And delicious pizza. Fun was had by all and a great season by our 2020 quiz bowl team!
almost 5 years ago, Lori Sandula
Pathfinder knows how to celebrate birthdays! Mug birthday cakes with a cell phone candle and a birthday tune by Mr. Ray.
almost 5 years ago, Lori Sandula