Components of MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) service delivery system:

Universal Screening Three Times per Year

Multiple Tiers of Intervention With Learners Moving Fluidly Between Levels

Data Teams engage in a problem solving model collaboratively to identify student needs and use analysis to guide instructional decisions (Developing IRIPs for K-3)

Documentation of Progress Monitoring

Implementation with Fidelity

Assure a research-based Core Curriculum (aligned with Michigan’s state standards) that has demonstrated effectiveness in meeting the learning needs of at least 80% of the student population

Standardized Based Curriculum for Tier 2 intervention

Interventions/strategies are research / evidence-based and scientifically validated

Data is used to make all instructional decisions

Engage parents and community and inform them of the instructional process

Individual Reading InterventionPlan (IRIP) will be created for students K-3 who perform below proficiency on district universal screener